Celebrating Gluten, Eggs and Health!

Around this time last year, I embarked on a health changing, energy lifting, life altering diet and supplement routine to combat the extreme fatigue that was robbing me of one month per year.

I had figured out that for at least four days per month, I was so exhausted, I couldn’t get out of bed. My limbs felt heavy, weak, worthless. I showered with my eyes closed, leaning against the wall, attempting to make it through the most basic of daily tasks, only to crawl back in bed with lest hair to sleep for the next four hours.  It was difficult to get any focused amount of activity finished because I could not predict if tomorrow would be a good day or a bad.

I had been to different doctors over the years, each with a suggestion or a medication that they thought would help…none did.  I suspected hormonal imbalances, and finally, the exhaustion got so bad that I Googled “fatigue, hormone, natural, Colorado” and found Natural Hormone Replacement Clinics of Colorado.  After extensive blood and saliva testing, Dr. Baird and Dr. Hollstrom put me on a strict diet (specific to my blood level food allergies), a hormone cream regimen and a variety of supplements including a probiotic, an anti-viral and methylated vitamin B, all to be carried out for one year

I waited a full year to tell you who the doctors were because I wanted to be sure it worked before recommending them. Today, it has been one year and two days.

And, despite some other health issues that cropped up late in the game, I can tell you with certainty that for me, it worked.  I am thankful to Dr. Hollstrom and Dr. Baird for leading me down a path to improved energy that I hadn’t found elsewhere. I can now stay awake all day for many days in a row!  I have gone from four days a month of total, extreme exhaustion to just needing a nap here and there.

I followed the diet with intensity and dedication, and today, I celebrate. Today is the day I can reintroduce wheat, gluten and eggs, after not eating them for a year.


So, excuse me while I go devour a huge chunk of coffee cake.

– The Goat Cheese Lady

About The Goat Cheese Lady

I am Lindsey. At first I was a city girl. Growing up, the closest thing I had to farm animals were a cat and a cockatiel. In 2009, Herbert (my husband) and I bought our first milk goat and I instantly became an urban farmgirl, attempting to balance city and farm life..before I knew “urban homesteading” was a thing. That’s when we began The Goat Cheese Lady Farm, hence The Goat Cheese Lady blog you’re visiting now. After moving to the country in 2014, I embarked on life as a rural farmgirl. We continued teaching farm and cheesemaking classes, raising more goats and began construction on our cheese creamery. But life had other plans and in 2017, we decided that, due to financial and health issues, we had to close the farm for business. No more classes, no more creamery, a lot less milking. We went back to off farm jobs, I as an Occupational Therapist, Herbert in construction with his business, D&A Home Remodeling. At that point, I made a silent promise to myself that I would corral my entrepreneurial mind and focus on a job for a year. Well, it has been a year and I am back. Not to classes, cheese, soap or lotion, but back to writing. I love it. I’m not sure where it will lead me, but that’s where I’m starting. I’ll continue to write as The Goat Cheese Lady for now, and whatever the future holds, I’ll let you know. Our two boys are 14 and 11 and continue to be louder than my sister and I ever were. We have two dogs, Montaña and Flash, a cat, Jumpy, a flock of chickens and three goats. Yes, we still have Lucy, the goat who helped us start it all and was milked by over 1,000 people. She’s retired but still the boss. Chocolate provides enough milk for our family with some to spare for the dogs. Soccer friends, school friends, coyotes and mice are frequent visitors. There are way too many flies and every so often we see an owl. I’m glad you’re here. Sometimes you’ll laugh out loud, other times you’ll be inspired to appreciate the small things. My hope is that, over your morning cup of coffee or your afternoon work break, you’ll enjoy the antics and inspiration that are my daily life. Lindsey
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5 Responses to Celebrating Gluten, Eggs and Health!

  1. Audrey says:

    So glad to hear you are feeling better.

  2. Barbara Simpson says:

    Congratulations! Enjoy your treat.

  3. Patty Cameron says:

    Congrats! Keep us posted. Love, Mom

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